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MUA's Engagement in the DRIVE Project: Empowering Pastoralists


MUA is  strongly committed to the welfare of communities in Mauritius and East Africa where it operates, and a testament to that is its engagement in the DRIVE Project.

This initiative, known as the Horn of Africa De-risking, Inclusion, and Value Enhancement (DRIVE) Project, specifically addresses the challenges faced by pastoralists - individuals or communities who rely on livestock rearing as their primary means of sustenance and livelihood in the Horn of Africa region. This area, spanning from northern Kenya and Somalia to southern Ethiopia, is home to the largest population of pastoralists globally. Unfortunately, these communities are currently experiencing their worst drought in four decades, leading to severe repercussions for agriculture and livestock.


Launched with the primary objective of assisting pastoralists in the region, the DRIVE Project seeks to provide them with essential financial services to cope with the effects of drought.

The project aims to achieve this by integrating pastoralists into value chains, where their products go through different stages of production and distribution, adding value along the way. Additionally, the project supports livestock trade, providing better access to markets and resources, which enhances their resilience during difficult times.


The DRIVE Project comprises two main components, each with specific goals to uplift pastoralist communities. The first one focuses on enhancing climate resilience for pastoralists in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia through tailor-made financial services. It also aims to raise awareness about drought insurance and establish a climate insurance policy for Djibouti.

The second component aims to fortify livestock value chains and trade by improving infrastructure, supporting quality agencies, and reducing risks associated with private investments.


With ambitious targets set, the DRIVE Project aims to positively impact 1.6 million pastoralists, connect 2,500 groups to markets, and mobilize $72 million in private capital. These aspirations underscore the project's potential to bring about meaningful change and empower pastoralist communities in the Horn of Africa.


MUA is deeply engaged in the DRIVE Project, working in close collaboration with ZEP-RE, their long-standing reinsurance partner, as well as with the World Bank as a key strategic partner, and Acre Africa, who serves as their technical partner in Kenya.

ZEP-RE plays a vital role in the DRIVE Project as the reinsurance company for COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), managing critical aspects like project coordination, product design, stakeholder engagement, awareness-building, financial management, distribution optimisation, and progress evaluation.


MUA's involvement goes beyond financial contributions. They take on a portion of the risk and commit to being a dedicated and long-term partner, providing both financial and strategic support. By offering valuable insights and resources, MUA ensures the project's success and lasting impact on pastoralist communities. Moreover, MUA recognises the strategic fit of the DRIVE Project and its potential to address insurance gaps, leading them to seize the opportunity to improve their parametric insurance offerings.


The DRIVE Project represents a beacon of hope for pastoralist communities in the region. Driven by dedication and collaboration, the project strives to improve resilience, boost livestock production, and foster inclusivity. Through their concerted efforts, MUA, ZEP-RE and their partners are making a profound and positive impact on the lives of those who face the adversities of droughts and climate change in the Horn of Africa.

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