
Investing In Our Employees

Group – Overall headcount

Group – Overall headcount

Group – Men to Women ratio

Group – Men to Women ratio

Training - Mauritius

Training hours
4,038 Training hours
523 Participants
Rs 6,012,267 Budget
Employees sponsored for professional qualifications
11 Employees sponsored for professional qualifications

Investing In Our Clients

Our response to Covid-19

During the second lockdown in 2021, it was of utmost importance for MUA to remain close to its clients and care for their insurance needs. The Customer Care team acted as a facilitator between clients and the different business units, constantly ensuring clients' requests were promptly attended to, minimising the impact of teams working remotely on service levels. The team continued to perform quality checks on our telephone system and other communication channels, to ensure processes were smoother, with a view to improve overall customer experience.

Customer satisfaction assessment

Regular customer satisfaction surveys and mystery shopping exercises have been conducted once again in 2021, with the aim of gaining in-depth knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses in terms of customer service. The results of the three exercises carried out in October 2020, March 2021 and October 2021, read as follows and show a significant improvement of MUA's global CSAT Score:

Customer satisfaction assessment Following wave 1 of the customer satisfaction survey in October 2020, it was important to identify internal areas of improvement that would help in delivering excellent customer service to MUA clients - both existing and prospective. To this end, we conducted an internal online survey amongst employees who have direct and indirect contact with clients. A total of 110 employees participated, sharing their daily challenges and suggesting improvements to continue delivering excellent customer service.

Investing In Our Environment

Paper consumption

Types of paper

(most commonly used across the Group)

Paper consumption - Types of paper
No. of sheets
Paper consumption - Types of paper

Fuel consumption

No. of vehicles
Fuel consumption No. of vehicles
No. of litres
Fuel consumption No. of vehicles

Electricity consumption

No. of KWh
Electricity consumption No. of KWh
Total cost (Rs)
Electricity consumption Total cost

Plastic consumption

We stopped using plastic cups and spoons at all our offices and branches
Plastic cups
Plastic consumption Units
Plastic spoons
Plastic consumption Total amount
3,128,422 Direct charitable contributions from MUA Foundation
3,023,484 Disbursed to MRA to support National Social Inclusion Foundation
6,154,406 Total contribution to societal causes in 2021
sustainability table