Dominique Galea Chairman's Report

Charmain report

Chairman's Report

" MUA is actively pursuing its strategy to become the region’s leading sustainable and responsible insurer and, in doing so, better serve the needs of our customers and society."

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to present the Annual Report of MUA Ltd, our holding  company, for the year ending 31 December 2021.


For the year under review, Gross Premium Earned increased by 28% to Rs 6,680m and the group’s net after tax profits increased by 14% to Rs 415m. Gross Premium Earned across our East African subsidiaries showed a 43% increase in 2021. Now, for the first time, it represents over 50% of the group’s total general insurance premiums.

28 Gross Premium Earned Rs 6,680m
14 Profit After Tax Rs 415m
6 Earnings Per Share Rs 7.71
8 Dividend Rs 148m
55 Market capitalisation Rs 7bn as at 31 December 2021

Group Gross Premium Earned (Rs m)

Group Gross Premium Earned

Group Net Profit After Tax (Rs m)

Group Profit after Tax